Online Tools to Help You With a Mid-Career Shift

Realizing that you are not doing what you want with your career can be a distressing feeling, and it can make you feel as though you are trapped – even when that’s not actually the case. However, it can be difficult to pull yourself away from your current career, especially when you feel you should be staying due to the amount of time you have put into it.

The sunk cost fallacy is something that a lot of people experience in some shape or form throughout their lives, but breaking free of it can open a world of possibilities, helping you set yourself on a path that you can be happy with.

Online Courses

Another reason you might feel you’re stuck on your current trajectory could be because of your chosen subjects throughout your academic life. Still,it is worth understanding that this doesn’t make that time redundant – and you can choose to study something else now that could be more helpful to where you want to be ultimately.

The issue with this, though could be time. You still have to work at your current job to support yourself, after all financially, and that might take away any time that you would have to study. Well, one option that you have is to explore training like as staff training if it would be useful to where you’re currently situated. Alternatively, you could look for part-time work while taking online courses that can better fit your own schedule. Online university courses are also often popular for this reason – allowing you to take online seminars and lectures that do not require you to sink so much time into travelling and distilling the education into a more concise form.

Various Job Sites

This might sound like a simple solution at first – the job site would likely have been your first port of call, no matter what. However, while several more general job sites are catered towards people looking for work in any capacity, there are also several specialist ones. The nature of these specialties could be in regards to the style of working, such as remote work, or it could be more about the industry – helping people find a job in environmentalism or something specifically to do with writing, for example.

This is important to understand as it can not only better help you understand where to go for the kind of career that you are looking for, but it can also help you to broaden your search in general, drawing your attention to a wider variety of jobs. After all, due to the high demand and high volume of applications that several positions see, you might find that applications become something of a numbers game. Some sites will give you a better chance by helping you to sculpt more personalized applications or suggesting jobs for you that better suit your criteria, but you must not become disheartened by a lack of immediate success should you encounter it.

Career Quizes

On the face of it, a career quiz might sound like something you would expect to find right out of school, when you’re completely unsure of what direction to take your professional life. However, it is something that can have an enormous amount of utility to go back to, as it can better contextualize what you’re hoping to get out of your career.

It is easy to feel as though the answer to your professional questions always are aligned with more – more money perhaps ranking as chief among these concerns. Money is an important aspect of a job, no doubt about that, but your own happiness can often fall by the wayside in these considerations. Are you working too many hours? Are you getting outside enough? Would you like a more flexible model that lets you work from home sometimes? You are more in control over the direction of your career than you might expect. As much as it can seem as though the structure of your working week is preordained, you actually have a tremendous amount of control – even if that might sometimes mean taking a pay cut for the sake of your happiness (if you feel so inclined).

Author: 9TP

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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